Taking on Vigilantes with WMU Center for the Study of Ethics in Society: Part 2

Vigilantes Unmasked and Unmasking

Vigilantes are a popular film subject around the world. In our November Symposium, we present a Canadian film in the vigilante universe to frame our discussion. This documentary was shot in the suburbs of Toronto. 

Watch Party/Discussion: Wednesday, November 9th 

  • Film: Age of Consent-Canada's Original Vigilante Pedophile Hunter, 52 minutes, Strong language and disturbing content, English only.  
  • You can watch Age of Consent BEFORE November 9th. If you cannot, please join us for the Watch Party on November 9th  before our discussion starts. The film is available here: https://documentaryheaven.com/age-of-consent/
  • Watch Party time and Discussion access
  •        Film watch: 7pm-7:55pm EST.
  •        Discussion: 8pm-9pm EST.  

If you are an A2Ethics or WMU mailing list subscriber, you will receive a special message on how to access the Watch Party/Discussion. If you are not a subscriber, you can ask to get them at: [email protected].  

